Category Archives: Breakfast

Thoughts on a Thursday

Good morning!

Your regular reading has been a little different this week as I slowly acclimate to my new work schedule. Thanks for sticking with me! Any full-time workers + bloggers out there? I would love to hear your secrets. I thought I would keep today’s post more true to form, a little tangential and more about what’s going on in my world. Sound good?


Yesterday I just could not wake up. I snoozed a couple of times before turning off my alarm and stumbling out of bed. Transitioning from a couple months of not having a schedule to working a busy full-time job is not pretty, ya’ll. I am so fortunate to have this new position; honestly, it feels like a dream. However, the schedule is a little wonky and will take some time getting used to. Most of my days start at noon and end closer to 8 or 9 p.m. Sometimes they will be longer like 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. I am most definitely not complaining though. Like with anything, my body and mind will adjust in time!

I started my tired morning with 20-minutes on the treadmill following a modified version of this routine.

20 Minute Treadmill Workout

If you’re looking for a quick calorie burn, this PopSugar interval workout does not disappoint. It was challenging, but it was also over quick enough to even notice. I also completed a 10-minute yoga video (<– I actually do not recommend this video. It was a little slow and the instructor is kind of annoying!) in the group exercise room alongside two meathead-like men who were grunting and panting the whole time. It felt a little awkward and I couldn’t wait to get out of there. Ha! I guess it’s my fault for trying to follow a yoga video outside the comforts of my living room.

Fortunately, I had prepped a bowl of oats the night before and they were waiting for me patiently in the fridge. Otherwise, I might have eaten my arm for breakfast.

Overnight Oats

Old fashioned oats, almond milk, plain greek yogurt, truvia and chia seeds mixed together and left to sit overnight. In the morning, I added honey, walnuts and craisins. 

A couple more thoughts about this week…

  • My meals have been monotonous, rushed and probably not the most balanced. However, my weekend meal prep has literally saved me this week. I might have eaten the same things, but they kept me from devouring microwaved popcorn for every meal.

Eats from the Week

  • Getting fitness out of the way in the morning has been key to feeling productive. Since I don’t have my evenings anymore, the morning hours are my time to get thangs done.
  • Speaking of fitness, on Sunday I took quite the embarrassing photo. It’s on my Twitter feed and you’ll just have to go there because I can’t find the actual photo to post. I wasn’t paying attention to how I was dressed myself (mindfulness, anyone?) and ended up in all pink. Um…
  • Coffee really is my bff. I have a sleep shirt with that saying plastered on the front and Bobby loves to make fun of it.

Coffee in bed

I don’t have time for a filter, so just ignore my dark circles, beautiful hair and the fact that I’m typing this from bed, mmmkay?

  • Since I’m really great at transitioning, speaking of Bobby… I arrived home late on Tuesday night and he had dinner waiting for me! How awesome is that? This isn’t even a #humblebrag. It was like the nicest, most needed gesture ever.

Chicken fajitas

I had the above serving of chicken fajitas x2.

  • Valentine’s Day is next weekend. Excuse me? How is that even possible? It’s one of my favorite holidays and I really need to get my *shat* together.
  • I forgot how much I love business casual clothes. I find work outfits to be the easiest to put together. Now if I had to wear “nice” jeans everyday I would end up in leggings and sweaters.

Work Wear

  • Since I know how much you love cat pictures, I will leave you with this one. He’s also had a long week.

tired baxter

Questions for you:

  • What is your work schedule like?
  • Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day? What do you do? <– When I was single, I once hosted an all-girls party and my teeny tiny apartment. We had a blast!




Filed under Breakfast, Miscellaneous, Workout

Back at It

Well hello there! Long time, no talk, eh? I’ve been chained to my bed with the stomach flu since Saturday night and it hasn’t been pretty. I took the past two days off of life and blogging in order to fully recuperate. Today, I’m beginning to feel like a real person again. Getting out of the house for a midday massage definitely helped.


Bobby bought me a massage for graduation, and it was perhaps the best hour of my life.


I’ve been subsisting off of Ginger Ale and toast for days now. Literally, that’s pretty much it. Vegetables have been scarce and I’ve had to force down fruit. I wanted to play it safe this morning and felt like carbs were still my best option.


You have here a toasted ezekiel english muffin with peanut butter and a sliced banana. No coffee yet for this belly (and I feel like a zombie because of it).


I wasn’t hungry for lunch until about 3 p.m. I put together a turkey wrap and enjoyed it with pretzel crisps and hummus.


No time for plates these days! My wrap included deli turkey + reduced fat swiss + light mayo + mustard + pickles


I picked up a first-day-of-Hanukkah gift for Bobby at Marshall’s this afternoon (in case you’re wondering, he’s Jewish and I’m Catholic). 😉 I may have had a couple bites of his gift for an appetizer dessert.


The gourmet food aisle at TJ Maxx/Marshall’s is my happy place. A close second is the wrapping paper section. How cute are these?


What about my workout plans, you ask? I haven’t exercised in six days. SIX days. That feels like a lot and I can’t even blame the stomach flu entirely. I definitely think my body needed a break and I’m trying to run with it. I’m planning an easy cardio + yoga session tomorrow morning, pending that I feel back to normal.


I’m meeting one of my gal pal’s for a drink tonight, who just happens to be a very talented graphic designer. Stay tuned for a possible blog redesign in the near future!


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Filed under Breakfast, Lunch

Subscription Gift Boxes

Good morning! I hope it is less dreary wherever you are. I’m gearing up for a day filled with studying for my last final + a pedicure + a trip to the post office + a workout. I wonder which will take priority? 😉

I’ve also included for you a round up of my favorite subscription gift boxes based on my own experience. But first let’s cover breakfast, shall we?


My stomach was a little off this morning, so breakfast didn’t happen until about 9:30 a.m. I cut up a honeycrisp apple and peeled a clementine. I’ll likely grab something else in a little while, but fruit was all I was feeling for now.


On to the exciting part of this post!


 Subscription Gift Boxes Final

This has been the year of subscription boxes for me. Last Christmas, the family I nannied for gifted me with a 6-month subscription to Birchbox. As a beauty junkie, I loved my Birchbox and looked forward to seeing it in my mailbox every month. I fell in love with some of the products and still use them now, a year later.

Since then, subscription boxes have been my go-to gift for the special people in my life. They are unique, thoughtful and there is a box for everyone on your list. Finding the perfect gift for someone is one of my favorite tasks in life. For the most part, I always look for something that would be excited to receive, and that I know the person wouldn’t buy for his/herself. I truly think this is the KEY to gift giving!

  • Birchbox – obviously, I’d be including Birchbox in this round up. As far as I know, it was the first personal care subscription box and people love it. My favorite part each month was receiving beauty products that I’d never heard of and couldn’t find in the drugstore. I gifted a 6-month subscription to my mom for her birthday in October, and she sends me a picture of her box each month!


  • Love with Food – the perfect box for the healthy foodie in your life. Each month, the recipient opens a curated box of natural or organic snacks tailored to his/her taste. For every snack box gifted, you are donating a meal to a hungry child in the U.S. It’s a win-win! I purchased a Love with Food subscription for my sister-in-law’s birthday a few months ago. She recently texted me this photo and said that the snacks were so good that she’d have to hide them from her husband (my brother!)

love with food

  • BarkBox – your pup will enjoy “anything from toys, bones and all-natural treats to hygiene products and innovative new gadgets.” Ok, I’ve never given this one, but am just waiting for the right opportunity. I think it would make the perfect gift for someone with a new puppy. Kind of like a housewarming gift for the new addition 🙂


Buzz Feed recently published a list of twenty fantastic subscription boxes everyone needs in their lives.

1. Graze

2. Birchbox

3. Conscious Box

4. The Cravory

5. BarkBox

6. Julep Maven

7. Love with Food

8. Whimseybox

9. Club W

10. Citrus Lane

11. Bulu Box

12. BroBox

13. Tea Sparrow

14. Taste Trunk

15. Escape Monthly

16. Quince and Apple Cocktail Box

17. Dollar Shave Club

18. Green Kids Craft

19. Pop Sugar Must Have Box

20. MistoBox

If you need an idea for how to actually gift the box to the receiver, I created this flyer in PowerPoint and wrapped it like a regular present when I gave my mom BirchBox in October.

Screen Shot 2014-12-09 at 10.21.45 AM

Questions for you:

  • Have you ever gifted a subscription box?
  • Which one from the above list do you want in your stocking? <– I’d love Graze or the PopSugar box!




Filed under Breakfast, Fun, Holidays

Yoga is Necessary

Hey hey and happy Monday to you.

If you were expecting a morning post today, I apologize that you didn’t get one. I am still trying to figure out a blogging schedule that works best for me. I want to ensure that my content is interesting, fun or informative…preferably all of the above! I once read that you should never blog if you just aren’t feeling inspired, and this morning was one of those times. Have no fear though, we are back to normal starting NOW!


Today started with a piece of paleo carrot cake loaf and some green grapes, enjoyed with a mug of gingerbread coffee on the side.


I was in the baking mood yesterday and realized I had everything on hand to make it. This recipe was so easy and took about ten minutes to throw together (not including baking time). There is only one piece left…obviously both Bobby and I hated it.

The morning was spent reading the news and perusing blogs. Around 10 a.m., I realized that I needed to get my rear in gear in order to make it to my prescheduled yoga class. Freezing rain makes for a not so fun walk. I really wanted to turn around and get back in my bed!


I spent 75 glorious minutes in a vinyasa style class at Exhale. As per usual, it was amazing and I felt 1 million times better afterwards. I’ve determined that yoga is necessary both on Mondays and when it rains.



After yoga, I ran a few errands before heading home. I blended up a smoothie for my mid-day meal and slurped it (<–what a God awful word?!) while sending off a couple emails.


1/2 frozen banana + 1/2 C frozen cherries + 1 handful kale + unsweetened almond milk + water + About Time vanilla protein powder + 3 ice cubes

A larger than usual ingredient list resulted in 1.5 smoothies. Hey, I’ll take it!

smoothie x2

This one actually ended up being a little to kale-y, even for me. I might cut down on the leafy green next time. I also grabbed a serving of everything-flavored pretzel crisps for some necessary crunch.



I’m off to catch up on my latest stimulating TV show, House of DVF. We’re having a fend-for-yourself style dinner tonight. Have a lovely evening!




Filed under Breakfast, Lunch, Yoga

Training Myself to Like Sweet Potatoes

Hey hey. Hoping your Thursday is treating you well.

I have to tell ya, I had class this morning with the same girls from last last night and we were all struggling a bit. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who had a bit too much wine at the graduation celebration. Oops!


After I published my earlier post, I blended up another smoothie. I know I’m probably boring you with the cold, creamy goodness each morning, but I just can’t stop! I’ve been known to eat the same thing for weeks at a time. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t eat egg muffins everyday for three months this summer.


1/2 frozen banana + frozen cherries & strawberries + 1 C unsweetened almond milk + 1 scoop About Time vanilla protein powder + 5 ice cubes


I finished up quite the smorgasbord of a workout this afternoon. Crunch Gym reached out to me a few weeks ago about giving their Crunch Live program a try. It’s an online platform of all their cult favorite group fitness classes. I’m just now digging into it, and I’ll be sure to post a full review here soon.

Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 5.35.20 PM

I mixed a 15-minute kickboxing/sculpt class plus a 15-minute abs video, followed by a 15-minute yoga segment. It definitely kept me from getting bored.

Lunch today was pretty random, but a great use of leftovers. Enter 1/2 baked sweet potato + crockpot honey sesame chicken.


I’m trying to “train” myself to love sweet potatoes. I moderately like them right now. They’re such a good complex carb and the fiber keeps me full for hours. However, I will always prefer a baked white potato stuffed with sour cream and cheese. 🙂

Today’s eats (drinks?) also included a Starbucks iced coffee with sugar free hazelnut and a touch of cream. I actually don’t frequent the Bucks as much as I used to, but I like to treat myself a few times per week. Side note: if any of you fine people want to get me a Christmas present, I would gladly accept any and all of the holiday-themed Starbucks cups.



I think we’re going to order something for dinner tonight and I have a couple things to cross off the to-do list this evening as well. Is anyone planning to watch Peter Pan live on NBC? I thinking I’ll record it and watch this weekend.

Questions for you:

  • Do you vary your meals or typically eat the same things everyday?
  • Ever “trained” yourself like like a certain food?
  • Did you exercise today? What’d ya do? 
  • What’s your go-to Starbucks drink?



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Filed under Breakfast, Healthy Meals, Lunch, Workout

Brief Day of Eats

I’m currently running around trying to get ready for my university’s graduate cocktail reception. Since the College of Social Work is so small, December grads don’t get a proper graduation ceremony. We are given the option to walk in May’s procession, but I’m hoping that my focus will be on a new j-o-b by then. I’m looking forward to spending time with my school friends in a relaxed cocktail flowing environment. Ya feel me?

I just downed a snack so as not to be famished when I arrive at the reception. Rule #1 of staying healthy at holiday parties!


Homemade trail mix + 1 clementine


Today’s morning meal started with another smoothie. I’ve really been craving those bad boys lately.


1/2 frozen banana + frozen cherries + 1 C unsweetened almond milk + 1 scoop About Time vanilla protein powder + 5 ice cubes


I packed a lunch to take with me while babysitting this afternoon. Another big a** salad was calling my name, though this wasn’t wasn’t quite as large as I’d hoped (I’m running low on tupperware).


Chopped romaine + 1/2 green apple + 1 apple maple chicken sausage + 1 large carrot + swiss cheese + (unpictured) Marzetti light yogurt ranch


Off to try and hot roll my dirty hair and throw some makeup on my flaking face! My cold walk wreaked straight up havoc on my sensitive skin.



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Filed under Breakfast, Healthy Meals, Lunch, Meals on the go

Household “Chores” Take a Back Seat + Cyber Monday Buys

If you’re ever naive enough to think I’m one of those people that has it together, please take a look at this photo:


Everything is exactly where I left it when we arrived home on Saturday night. I call that talent. In reality, I have been in finals mode for three days now. All my regular “chores” have been lowest on my priority list. Hence, this note that I found in the kitchen this morning:


(Please don’t think Bobby is some demanding “man of the house.” We’ve discussed multiple times that I prefer to do all the laundry because I’m picky about how things are washed and dried!). I always, always get our laundry done on Sundays. It’s just part of the schedule I’ve set for myself. Welp, not this week, and apparently he has no clothes.

Just get me through Thursday and life will be a little less crazy 🙂


A cold, creamy smoothie was calling my name this morning.


I threw the following into the blender: 1/2 frozen banana, frozen strawberries, unsweetened almond milk, About Time vanilla protein powder. So tasty! Also enjoyed a cup of joe on the side. I’m still on the Pumpkin train and want to use up my Dunkin before I buy a holiday flavor.


I’m trying to work on another paper through the morning, while also incessantly tracking my Cyber Monday purchases. I ended up ordering a couple pieces of jewelry from Gilt <–affiliate link (for gifts, so not posting links!), some random Amazon items including a scratching post, a computer sleeve and Smarty Pants multi-vitamins. I’ve also recently been checking out Talbots sales on the reg and ended up buying this belt for $12. My parents will find it hilarious that I shop at Talbots now. When I was a pre-teen, my dad thought I was dressing too old for my age (I probably was), so he bought me a pair of long, khaki shorts from Talbots. I promised I’d wear them, but they sat unworn at the bottom of my drawer for years! Sorry Dad :/

I’m most excited about this dress I ordered from Bluefly that I plan to wear to Bobby’s company holiday party next week and my friend’s wedding at the end of the month.

Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 8.41.19 AM

I rented a Black Halo cocktail dress from Rent the Runway a few months ago, and loved it so much that I tried to buy it. After realizing that it was from a past season and literally doesn’t exist on the interwebs, I’ve been hunting for a similar style ever since. I hope I love this one just as much.

Off to try and be productive. Also, who else is excited for the VS Fashion Show?




Filed under Breakfast, Deals, Fashion

Dinner Party for Three

Hey hey! Happy Thanksgiving eve. We’re heading out in a bit, but I wanted to pop in and say hi first. For those of you traveling today (ie. “the busiest travel day of the year”), I’ll be thinking of you and saying a little prayer for swift and safe journeys.


I wanted to sleep in this morning, but knew I would feel better about spending 5+ hours in the car if I shook my legs out a bit. I completed a 25-minute interval workout on the treadmill followed by some stretching. You’ve seen this one before, but I made a few modifications.


While typing up this post, Bobby-the-omelet-master cooked up some eggs for us for road trip fuel.


Onion + turkey sausage + swiss cheese!


Bobby’s sister Jenny and her husband Paul were planning to come for dinner. However, Paul works in the burbs and ended up getting stuck for a while because the trains were running on a delay. City commuting can sometimes be a nightmare! Dinner turned out to just be me, Bobby and Jenny, with leftovers sent home for Paul. 😦


I prepped everything before our guest arrived so that I wouldn’t be stuck in the kitchen all night.



I made a spinach salad with feta + red onion + pumpkin seeds + green apple + celery + craisins + Marzetti balsamic vinaigrette. ‘Twas delish!


me with salad2

Our main course was a spinach chicken pasta bake, a variation on this recipe. 


(Bobby wasn’t feeling so hot, so he refused to be in my picture). Hi Jenny!


Jenny brought us the cutest desserts – chocolate “pilgrim hats” and a caramel and apples “turkey!”<– which she called a Pinterest fail. I say it’s a win!

pilgrim hats

turkey apples

Off we go to St. Louis!



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Filed under Breakfast, Dinner, Healthy Meals, Workout

Deal Stalking and a Brain Fart

Hey guys, how are ya?

We’re hosting Bobby’s sister and her husband over here for dinner tonight. We haven’t seen them in a while and wanted to have a pseudo holiday celebration before the calendars start filling up. I’m making a cheesy chicken pasta bake. It’s a variation on this one, using spinach instead of kale and way less ricotta. I’ve made it a couple times, but never for company. Hoping they love it as much as we do!

No exercise today for me, but I’m planning on a morning workout before we hit the road tomorrow.


I toasted my last ezekiel english muffin this morning and topped it with crunchy peanut butter and 1/2 banana.


As per usual, I packed lunch to-go including the same egg white salad from yesterday atop romaine, plus some green grapes on the side. <– literally the exact lunch from yesterday. Oops!


Remember that research paper that was due today? Welp, it almost turned into the research paper that wasn’t. I printed it yesterday, placed it in my class folder and dropped the folder into my purse last night. When I opened my bag this morning to hand it in to my professor, IT WASN’T THERE.  Turns out, I had removed said folder this morning because I wanted to lighten my load while walking to school. Literally didn’t even think about it. Luckily, I was able to email it to my teacher, but still. Talk about stressful.

pink pad2

On my way home from class I stopped into Nordstrom. Sometimes it’s dangerous living on Michigan Avenue 🙂


I had been online stalking a pair of booties for weeks waiting for the price to drop. I noticed they were reduced a few days ago, but knew shipping would take way longer than just hopping into Nordstrom. Fortunately, they had my exact size and I loved them even more in person. Lucky me! They’re the Franco Sarto Octagon Wedge Bootie. 


My new booties are already packed in my suitcase for our Thanksgiving trip to the farm, in addition to my “rugged” staples: cozy knits, fur, flannel and Fryes.


I don’t really consider myself to be type A except when it comes to packing. I type out every single item broken down by day or category. 🙂


Questions for you:

  • Have you jumped on the booties trend train?
  • What are you doing for Thanksgiving?
  • What is your packing strategy? <– I’m always fascinated by others’ methodologies or lack there of!




Filed under Breakfast, Fashion, Holidays, Lunch, Meals on the go

Everyday Egg White Muffins [Recipe]

As you read this morning, today marks day one of my 7-Day No Added Sugar + Sweat Everyday Challenge. To celebrate the occasion, I baked a dozen of my favorite (and sugar-less!) go-to breakfasts: baked egg muffins.

To get to the recipe, scroll on down to the end.

egg muffins


I started this morning with a quick 40-minute workout in our building’s gym.


My routine included a 20-minute warmup on the treadmill alternating different speeds and inclines + 20 minutes of lower body strength training. I completed 3×10 of each exercise: squats + lunges + deadlifts + donkey kicks. It’ s been at least a month since I worked my lower body, and my legs still feel like jelly seven hours later!

After showering, I headed out for an afternoon of errands and a doctor’s appointment. For some reason I did not check the weather forecast before I left the house. I wore FLATS…and it was 15 degrees and windy. I ended up taking a cab four blocks home this afternoon because I couldn’t feel my feet.


I ate part of my packed lunch on the go today, literally while walking down Michigan Ave.


My wrap included light mayo + mustard + spinach + carrots + deli turkey.


I ate the rest of my lunch (spicy sunflower seeds + roasted almonds) while waiting for my appointment at the Apple store.



Now, since that’s out of the way, onto the real reason you’re reading this post.


egg muffins 2.0



  • Preheat oven to 375
  • Spray 12-cup muffin with non-stick cooking spray
  • Cut each link into smaller pieces, add four pieces to each muffin cup
  • Divide each piece of cheese into three sections, tear each individual section into smaller pieces and add to muffin cups (so that each cup holds 1/3 slice of cheese)
  • Pour egg whites into each cup until 1/4 inch full
  • Bake at 375 for 30 minutes
  • Let cool, store in tupperware for up to five days

Enjoy for breakfast or snacks throughout the week! We make a dozen or two dozen on Sunday nights and nuke them for 30 seconds in the microwave in the mornings. 




Filed under Breakfast, Healthy Meals, Meals on the go, Reipe, Workout